General, Mind, Body

7-Day Sleep Training Routine for Mums: Boost Your Energy and Thrive in Just One Week.

Motherhood is beautiful, but let’s be real – it’s exhausting. When you’re not getting enough rest, it affects your mood, patience, and overall well being. Sleep deprivation makes it hard to show up for yourself and your little ones. That’s why we’ve created this 7-day sleep training routine for mums, filled with small, simple steps to create a peaceful, sleep-friendly environment. Follow this routine, and by the end of the week, you’ll feel recharged and ready to tackle anything!

Day 1: Set a Consistent Routine

Consistency is key when it comes to sleep. Our bodies thrive on routine, so today, you’ll start setting a fixed bedtime and wake-up time. Whether it’s 9 p.m. or 11 p.m., choose a time that works for you and stick to it, even on weekends. Add a relaxing pre-bed ritual, like a warm bath or some light stretching, to signal to your body that it’s time to wind down.

Task for Today:
– Set your bedtime and wake-up times and stick to them.
– Try a relaxing bedtime ritual, like reading for 30 minutes before lights out. Explore bedtime ritual products here.

Day 2: Kick the Afternoon Coffee Habit

We’re starting strong with one of the hardest habits to break – cutting back on afternoon coffee. Trust us when we say we hear you, this is hard.  As I’ve recently come out of the delirium of newborn phase I’ve cut my coffees down from 3 per day to just one in the morning and my skin and sleep and general anxiousness has improved. Caffeine can stay in your system for hours, disrupting your ability to wind down at night. Today, swap your post-lunch coffee for a soothing herbal tea instead. Try chamomile, which has calming properties, or magnesium-rich teas that help relax your muscles. By avoiding coffee after midday, you give your body a chance to naturally feel sleepy in the evening.

Task for Today:
– Limit coffee to mornings only.
– Try a calming tea like chamomile or peppermint this afternoon. Find calming teas here.

Day 3: Hydrate for Better Sleep

Staying hydrated is key to feeling good and sleeping well. Dehydration can cause headaches, muscle cramps, and other discomforts that interrupt your sleep. Today, focus on drinking water consistently throughout the day. Aim for at least eight glasses of water but stop drinking about an hour before bed to avoid waking up for bathroom trips during the night.

Task for Today:
– Set reminders to drink water every hour.
– Fill a reusable water bottle to track your intake. Find a great eco-friendly water bottle here.

Day 4: Optimise Your Bedroom Environment

Your bedroom is your sleep sanctuary, and it needs to feel like one! Today, we’ll focus on making your room cool, calming, and sleep-friendly. Start by cooling the room down to around 15-20°C. Open the windows for a few minutes before bed or use a fan or air purifier to keep the air circulating. If you prefer a budget-friendly option, NASA-recommended indoor plants like snake plants or peace lilies can help improve air quality.

Task for Today:
– Open your windows to ventilate your bedroom.
– Consider using an air purifier or adding air-purifying plants. Explore air purifier here or find plants here.

Day 5: Create a Cosy Lighting Setup

Lighting can seriously affect your ability to wind down. Bright, blue-toned light from screens and overhead lights interferes with your body’s melatonin production, so today’s all about creating a softer, warmer atmosphere. Swap out harsh lighting for bedside lamps or string lights with warm tones, and ditch the tech an hour before bed—I’ve tried this recently and it makes a huge difference to how quickly I fall asleep!

Task for Today:
– Turn off your screens and dim the lights an hour before bed.
– Start dimming your lights at least an hour before bed. Find warm lighting option here.

Day 6: Try Lavender and Magnesium for Relaxation

Tonight, we’re incorporating some powerful natural remedies—lavender and magnesium. Lavender is well-known for its ability to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. Spray some lavender oil on your pillow or use a diffuser to help calm your nervous system. Magnesium is another essential tool, helping to ease muscle tension and promote relaxation. Rub some magnesium cream or lotion on the soles of your feet for quick absorption before bed.

Task for Today:
– Add a few drops of lavender oil to your pillow or use a diffuser.
– Massage magnesium cream on the bottoms of your feet before bed. Find lavender oil here and magnesium cream here.

Day 7: Nourish Your Body with Sleep-Friendly Foods

You’re nearly at the end of the week, so let’s give your body a little extra nourishment! Eating a kiwi an hour before bed can improve sleep quality thanks to its serotonin and antioxidant boost. Pair it with a couple of Brazil nuts, which are rich in selenium—a key mineral that supports your thyroid and helps regulate sleep. This simple bedtime snack could be the game-changer in your sleep routine. Lately, I’ve even started making dark cherry jellies for my 3-year-old to naturally boost his melatonin before bed—it’s been a real hit!

Task for Today:
– Eat one kiwi fruit and about two Brazil nuts an hour before bed to support your sleep. Learn more about sleep supporting foods here.

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